Superpower/Superstar – China’s Moment To Step Up

A Woo Commerce Placeholder With an Image Icon

The world order is on the edge of losing its balance, and China is the state currently keeping everyone from falling into a wider conflict. The three superpowers, the United States, China, and Russia, are stepping closer to confrontation as a result of the war in Ukraine. The rest of the world is left to…

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AI Planet Protocols for climate change action

A Metallic Shower in a Yellow Color Tub

The internet political/social media space is a mess of conspiracy theories, crime and propaganda. Climate change is gathering pace in an ever more threatening scenario of global breakdown. The two issues are closely related. Now let’s look at how hate speech, marketing infiltration and political interference driven corruption of the public space across multiple platforms…

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US and China Forecast: Economic Climate Change Cyclones

Jennifer Shearer French

The climate change agreement between the United States and China announced at COP26 is about to create a new order of winners and losers around the world. Countries and blocs with intelligent and nimble leadership will fall into line with the two global superpowers on matters of climate change action, and will accelerate their own…

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The Virtual Climate Change Revolution

Jennifer Shearer French

Global citizens need to immediately create a virtual revolution to create the level of action that will prevent climate change tipping points. We need to act to modify the structures that will irrevocably destroy our ecosystem and continue global warming. ​Invisible, peaceful and effective, a virtual revolution requires action by all of us. For those…

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Climate change AI must not become a battleground for nations

Jennifer Shearer French

We need regulation of AI to protect the huge potential the technology has to accelerate action to stop global warming. Globally agreed standards would also prevent misuse of the powerful technology. COP26 Glasgow will consider an intergovernmental “roadmap” on AI’s role in fighting global warming, but it needs to go much further. It needs to…

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Mismanagement Risks Should Inform Climate Change AI Regulation

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We cannot afford to allow non compliant actors in the AI sphere (that is, those which do not adhere to global citizenship principles) to frame our thinking about climate change artificial intelligence. It is difficult to overstate how damaging scandals relating to allegations of misused operation of AI are, at a time when global citizens…

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United Nations: Step Up on Climate Change AI Regulation

Jennifer Shearer French

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres started the September 2021 United Nations General Assembly by hurling stones at “billionaires joyriding to space while billions go hungry on earth”, while himself failing to provide a global regulatory or operational framework for a wide roll-out of climate change Artificial Intelligence. This effectively rules out effective action by the said…

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Cyber Ethics of Climate Change AI

Jennifer Shearer French

Global cyber ethics are the foundation of a climate change governance assist artificial intelligence (AI), and they build on the concept of global citizenship that has been realised by the internet. We need to be familiar with this, even though we take it for granted, if we are going to quickly see a climate change…

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Musk, Bezos, and Climate Change AI

Jennifer Shearer French

To listen to Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos talk about artificial intelligence is to realize that they both understand the potential of AI to restructure the way the world works. They have both recognized the risks of an AI controlling the world under the influence of a dictator, and they already have the solution.  That is…

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Your Planet Needs You

Jennifer Shearer French

SAINT is an acronym loaded with religious significance. In this case, though, the intention is entirely pragmatic. SAINT stands for Strategy for Artificial Intelligence. With the latest climate change report giving us ten years to cut global carbon emissions to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees C, the need for such a strategy is obvious…

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