Archive for August 2021
Musk, Bezos, and Climate Change AI
To listen to Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos talk about artificial intelligence is to realize that they both understand the potential of AI to restructure the way the world works. They have both recognized the risks of an AI controlling the world under the influence of a dictator, and they already have the solution. That is…
Read MoreYour Planet Needs You
SAINT is an acronym loaded with religious significance. In this case, though, the intention is entirely pragmatic. SAINT stands for Strategy for Artificial Intelligence. With the latest climate change report giving us ten years to cut global carbon emissions to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees C, the need for such a strategy is obvious…
Read MorePegasus and Penalties
Pegasus is a horse that has bolted because there was no stable door to close in the first place. The spyware, which can be used to record and extract information from smartphones and other devices undetected and without penalty, is a critical threat to progressive politics around the world. We can’t rely on nation-states to…
Read MoreIEI – Intelligent Ethical Internet
There is an urgent need for an ArtificiaI Intelligence mediated public interest information and news space for all global citizens. AI mediated, because news and information we see is always mediated by someone or some entity, even the BBC, AP and respected American news channels. And we can now do so much better. Recent political…
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